Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lucas arrives tomorrow - April 23rd!

For those of you who do not know yet, I have a scheduled c-section to deliver baby Lucas tomorrow.  At my weekly drs appt Tuesday the doctor did an ultrasound to make sure Lucas had enough fluid around him to go full term (one more week).  When she did the ultrasound, she realized that he was breech.  It was a complete shock to her and I both as we swore he has been head down for some time now.  Regardless, she has decided that he needs to come out this week and it needs to be done via c-section.

Casey + I are excited and nervous all in the same breathe.  It is hard to believe this part of the journey is almost over and the next chapter is about to begin.

Please keep Casey, Lucas + I in your thoughts and prayers these next few days.  I think we are still in a bit of shock as this is not how we "planned" to deliver Lucas, but know that God is in control and he will take care of us all.

As soon as we can, we will post photos to show you our new bundle of joy!  We can't wait for him to meet all of our family + friends!

1 comment:

  1. I am praying that all is going well with your delivery today! I know that it will! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to see pics of your handsome baby boy! Hugs and Kisses! Love, KB
