Sunday, July 15, 2012

Potty Training - Part Deux.

I had a revelation.  It was as if God spoke to me.  
I could hear hallelujah! and  amen! ringing in my ears!

At this point you are probably thinking... Lucas is potty trained!  No.  The opposite.

Luke's teachers along with Casey and I decided he isn't ready.
That is not entirely true.  Lucas decided he wasn't ready.
We just finally listened.

Long story short - Luke is back in diapers.
He couldn't be happier.  We couldn't be happier.

We didn't come to this decision lightly, but those
of you that we talk to regularly know we have been 
contemplating it for weeks.  

Lucas was doing great at first.  He had lots of success.  He had lots of failures too.
But we were hopeful that it would finally click.  
Then he started reverting back and the situation kept
getting worse.  He was stressed.  We were stressed.  The Clemmer household 
felt like it was falling apart.  His teachers and I discussed that he was a 
young 2 and clearly wasn't ready.
Every kid is different.  We tried.  We failed.  We will try again.
They assure me he will not go to college in a diaper.

So, what was my revelation?
That I was trying to make Luke grow up too fast.
That there was another baby in the house now 
and that meant he had to be a big boy.  A big brother.
Bottom line, Luke is a baby.  He is my baby.
He is barely two and I am making him "run" through these milestones.

He will tell me when he is ready.
In the meantime, I just want to love on him.  Enjoy him.  Giggle with him.
The last couple months I dreaded getting up b/c I knew it 
would be a day full of accidents, him throwing fits 
and refusing to go to the bathroom.  Being Luke's mommy
was no longer fun.

He has been back in diapers for almost a week now.
We are having fun again!  We are enjoying each other again.
It may make me sound lazy, but really I just 
couldn't ask him one more time if he had to go potty and have him say no.
Then go on my floor 5 minutes later.  I was on pins and needles all day long
waiting for him to show me he had to go and waiting for an accident.

So I am back to changing two little boy's diapers again.
Two little boys with the cutest bootys in the world!
I consider myself lucky.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Liam is 6 months old.

Lucas @ 6 months.
18.1 lbs. (60th percentile)
28 inches (90th percentile)
Liam @ 6 months.
(rice cereal all over his face!)
15.13 lbs (20th percentile)
26 inches (15th percentile)

(when I was looking for pictures to compare my boys,
I found the two above.  funny that they are wearing the same
onesie!  so not planned...obviously.)

Not only do they look nothing alike, but
Liam is so much smaller than Lucas was.
It is so funny to see them side-by-side.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


My MOPs group had a play date scheduled today.
It was looking grimm with a threat of rain so they cancelled it.
Of course I didn't know this until I had both boys in
the car and ready to go.  We went anyways.

 Luke had the water park all to himself.

 He loved it!

 And Liam + I loved watching him.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 1/2 Birthday Liam.

It's hard to believe Liam is already 6 months old!
Since he is my last baby, I find myself celebrating the small
stuff that I didn't necessarily celebrate with Lucas.

Like his 6 month bday.  We had a little "half cake"
even though Liam couldn't partake in it.

We will be celebrating his 1st birthday before we know it!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

iPhone Photos.

Casey + I got the iPhone back in December.  We love it!  Love. it.  This is the first phone that I have been able to take great pictures on-the-go and email them or text them to family and friends.  Unfortunately, that means my professional camera rarely sees the day of light anymore.  Partly due to the fact that I have a toddler and a baby.  That doesn't leave me with a free hand to grab my camera.  But also because I always have my phone on me.

With both boys asleep, I found time to download photos from my phone.  I thought you would like to see some of my favorites.

 summer time.  hat time.

 boy band in the making.

lucas' afternoon with the mirror.
he had no idea i was taking pictures of him.

saturday morning love.

 liam love.

friday night = pizza night.

practicing his crawling technique.
he is so close!

sweet boy.