Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy Little Bees.

So I clicked on my blog today and to my surprise it has been 2 months since I had posted anything!  How can that be?  Where did the time go?  So I sat down to look at my photos on my iPhone to see what my little family of 4 had been up to.  Come to find out we have been busy little bees!

At the end of August we headed to Midland to see Casey's side of the family.  Grandmother and Granddaddy had not met Liam yet and he was already 8 months old!

 The boys and I in the back seat sleeping... or trying to.
Yes, that is Lucas under the blanket.  Don't ask me why.

 Lucas on Uncle Terry's old tractor.  He loved it!

 Lucas w/ his second cousin Andrew.  
They were so sweet with each other.

 Lunch w/ Grandmother + Grandaddy.
Priceless photo.

Our last night in Midland.

Once we got back from Midland, it took us a week to get everyone back on schedule.  Traveling with two kids is not for the faint of heart.  The getting off schedule and back on schedule was surprisingly hard.  Once we thought we were back on track... Lucas got the stomach bug.

A sick Lucas in our bed.  Poor Baby.

And then Lucas got the crud.  Then Liam got the crud.  Then I got the stomach bug.  Then Casey got the stomach bug.  Then Liam got the stomach bug.  Yes... it's a vicious cycle.  After a week and a half I think everyone is over the stomach bug.  The boys still have the crud.  And as I write this, my throat is scratchy.  I pray that we are all healed soon!

So in between traveling and everyone being under the weather, we had some really sweet moments with the boys.  And because you only read this blog for the pics, here are a few random shots of the boys.

 Liam smiling with his paci + teddy.

 Lucas running around the house in my shoes (on the wrong feet)
and a hot pad on his hand.  This kid cracks me up!

 Liam is standing on his own + on the verge of
walking any day now.  He really enjoys Lucas' toys + 
we enjoy watching him play.

 Liam all smiles.

 The boys riding the lion!  Weeeeee!
Liam is a little unsure.

 The boys w/ Granpa.  
They were all laughing at something funny.

 Lucas' new obsession - his bicycle helmet.
He insisted on wearing it into Costco.

Liam's first family bike ride.
Needless to say, he didn't like the helmet one bit.

Casey and I have found some time - I don't know how - to take care of a few DIY projects that had been on the list.  It feels good to be productive.  Too bad it has to happen when the boys are napping.

 Vintage Yard Chairs got new life.

And found a new home on our front porch.

We turned our IKEA island into a
magnetic chalkboard for the boys.  I am hoping
it will keep the boys busy while I try to get 
dinner on the table. It is not perfect, 
but i think they will like it!

Casey is working on his tractor for the boys.
We can't wait to see what it will look like
put back together and working again!


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