Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011.

We did our usual Thanksgiving Day ritual:  fajitas with Casey's Family + traditional Turkey dinner with my family.  Both households were full of fun family chaos.

At Gran's house, I pretended I was a float in the Macy's Day Parade.

 Waving to my fans.

Thanks April for the family photo!  They are very rare.

When April + I were pregnant with the boys a couple of years ago,  we took our first "bump comparison" photo (click HERE to see Thanksgiving 2009).  We had to get another one this year.

 April + me with our boys.

Rebecca @ 31 weeks.  April @ 13 weeks.

At Grandma's, the pie was a big hit with the boys!

 Luke's first chocolate pie.

 Brady with a mouth full of whip cream!

A second look at that messy, sweet face.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Casey turns 34!

We celebrated Casey's birthday a little early since he is a Thanksgiving baby.  A few years ago, before kids, the family met at the bowling alley to celebrate Casey.  We took a few years off, but had so much fun we wanted to do it again this year.  It was a little challenging with two toddlers running around and getting into everything, but such is life.  We, luckily, didn't get a picture of me trying to bowl 7 months pregnant!  April, also pregnant, looked like a pro.  Me - not so much!

Daddy explaining the game to Lucas.

Gran looking at the balls w/ Preston + Lucas.

 The boys' favorite part - cake!

Casey trying to take a bite of Lukes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Like Father, Like Son.

Lucas is becoming such the little man.  Casey has been working on his "honey do list" for the past couple months and has had the perfect little assistant.  Lucas really wants to be like his daddy.  It is so adorable.

Here is Luke and Daddy getting Luke's big boy room ready:

Luke loves to measure EVERYTHING!

Luke getting a lesson on how to use a stud finder.

Oh, he found the hammer + loves it!

The other day Luke laid down and started copying what Casey was doing.  
It was hysterical!

Look closely.  Luke + Daddy fixing the chair legs.

 He actually thought he was helping too!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

DIY: Baby Rocking Chair - part II

Back in April I posted part I of DIY: Baby Rocking Chair.  I had the intention of completing the chair back then, but some 6 months later I am FINALLY done!

Just so you remember, this is what it use to look like:

 The chair originally when it was mine as a young girl.

The change I made to the chair back in April.

And now....

I think it is perfect now for a boy... or two!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Have you heard... I am pregnant!?

Here I sit at 29.5 weeks pregnant and realized I have not posted a thing about baby #2.  You do know I am pregnant, right?

I have to laugh at myself because I now know how my mom must have felt.  Ever since I can remember I have given her a hard time about not having my baby book filled in as much as my brother's.  I haven't even had B2 yet and I am already not doing as much as I did with Lucas.  I always joked with my parents it must have meant they just didn't like me as much.  Not true.

There is simply just not enough time in the day.  I am exhausted by life, Lucas, the house + work.  How The Duggars have baby #20 on the way is beyond me.  I am lucky if I can get a shower in before Lucas wakes up in the morning.

So here is my attempt to write about B2.  Up first, the lastest sonogram pictures (@ 21 weeks).


 It's a BOY!

 Leg + Foot.

Our families have been dying to know what we are going to name him since we found out it was a boy.  I think most people know by now, but if not we have decided on Liam Daniel Clemmer.  Liam because Casey and I like it.  And Daniel after several great men on both sides of the family.

The picture above shows how we told our families- Lucas in a homemade BIG BROTHER t-shirt.  Of course it took the grandmas a while to get.  Both of them said, "well he isn't a big brother yet."  I then had to explain to them the birds and the bees and how it takes 9 months.  They both screamed after my explanation.  Boy does Lucas look so different in just 7 short months.  He is such a big boy now.

We found out at our last appointment that our tentative date for our C-Section is January 11th.  That came as a bit of a shock to Casey since it's a week and a half early.  Our true due date is the 23rd.  And although I knew I wouldn't go the full 40 weeks, I too was surprised I would be giving birth right after Christmas and the New Year.  So in just 2 short months we will be a family of four!  HOLY CRAP!  Are we ready for this?  Too late now as Casey tells me daily.