Friday, May 28, 2010

A Baby is a Miracle.

A Baby is a Miracle

This little tiny baby
Was sent from God above
To fill our hearts with happiness
And touch our lives with love
He must have known
We'd give our all
And always do our best
To give our precious baby love
And be grateful and so blessed


Baby Lucas: 1 month old

It is hard to believe Lucas is already a month old - 5 weeks today to be exact.  For the next year I am going to take a monthly picture of Luke.  Stay tuned to see how much he grows!

8 lbs 8 oz  / 21.5 inches

Lucas + Friends.
Big Boy - 1 month old.
Sweet Angel.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Obsession: Taking Pictures of Luke.

Lucas is starting to become more alert and is showing us his 
beautiful blue eyes more + more.  We are working on getting some
tummy time throughout the day.  His neck is already so strong!

I am obsessed with taking pictures of Lucas- as I am sure most moms are.
I spend my whole day grabbing the camera when I am not feeding sweet
baby boy.  I just want to eat him up!

You would think I would be sick of taking pictures of Lucas sleeping
because that seems to be all he does.  But he does it so perfectly.
I love this boy!  I love him, I love him, I love him.

My First Mother's Day.

I have a new found respect for all mom's - especially mine.  Motherhood is definitely a full time job.  I don't think you can ever be prepared for what's in store.  In the same breath, motherhood is amazing.  I fall more in love with Lucas every day - and then I fall a little bit more!

I had a great first Mother's Day.  Saturday night we had the Clemmer's + Jones' over for dinner.  It was the first time that Preston + Lucas have "hung out" since Lucas was born.  It was so much fun to have the boys together so we could compare them now that they are a few weeks older.  The Clemmer's were in heaven to have the two boys in the same room too!  Of course we snapped a few pictures!

On Sunday Casey let me sleep in by looking after Lucas.  Then he brought me breakfast in bed!  We spent the morning being a family of 3 and then headed to Chris and Megan's for a BBQ.  It was a full house with The Sutton's, The Setrum's + The Reed's.  The food was great + the company was even better.  I was honored to be a part of "the club" this year.

Grandma + me w/ Lucas.

Snuggle time w/ Lucas.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Lucas: 3 weeks old!

Week #2 - Lucas w/ Grandma Reed + Eros.

Week #3 - Lucas w/ Gran Clemmer.

We can't believe Lucas is 3 weeks old already.  The first few weeks have been amazing and exhausting all in the same breath.  Our days are filled with lots of feeding, dirty diapers and naps.  Well, for Lucas anyways.  Mommy on the other hand has not taken the advice of "sleep when he sleeps".  It is just easier said then done.

Lucas and I enjoyed a week long visit from both Grandma and then Gran.  Boy do grandmothers love their grandbabies!  Both my mom and Casey's mom really took care of the three of us.  We had meals prepared, laundry done and the house cleaned.  A girl could definitely get use to a life like that!  Not to mention anytime Lucas made a noise, they were the first ones up to get him.

Needless to say, I am in for a shock this week now that we are "alone".  I will have my hands full running the house and taking care of Lucas + Casey, but am looking forward to it.

A special thanks to our moms!  Lucas + I will treasure our week together forever.  It was amazing to spend such quality time together.  We love you.